Time Vs Value
… Let me explain.
Jim John was fond of saying this during his many speaking engagements; “You don’t get paid by the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.”
And he was right!
… Let me explain.
Jim John was fond of saying this during his many speaking engagements; “You don’t get paid by the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.”
And he was right!
I’m yet to see a mediocre person who is successful. It’s kinda like saying one can be awake and asleep at the same time; actually wrong example - some people do; but I’m sure you understand what I mean. I like what the late Margaret Thatcher said on the issue of Success. To quote her:
..... or like we were taught when computers became part of our lives, “Garbage In, Garbage Out".
Your life is a reflection of the commands you give to your “computer”. If you key in the right commands, then the output will be excellent; the reverse is also true. Eg if you key in laziness, you’ll reap the fruits of laziness, etc.
If you’ve ever been deeply in love, then you’ll understand the above message. You always get a rush when you receive that good morning message from them; doesn’t matter whether s/he is in the next room, or across the world. When that message comes through, your heart skips a beat and suddenly you feel warm all over, especially if that is the message that woke you up. Why?
At some point in your life you must have heard the saying, “choices have consequences”. Yes. Whether good or bad choices, there are always consequences to deal with; could be good or bad.
Say for example Ian Jege, a very talented friend of mine who has had it with people taking advantage of his kindness. He posted this on his Facebook wall……
So, maybe according to you yesterday was not a very good day; no problem. Today is a new day. What does a new day represent? It represents new opportunities; renewed determination; renewed vigor; restored strength, new ideas and visions, etc. A new day means a new perspective.
When was the last time you read a book, or a substantial magazine article? Or you are one of those whose daily reading habits center around tweets, Facebook updates and gossip columns? I know many people complain they don’t have time to read but if you want to develop yourself, if you want to become a better person, you have no choice but to make reading a daily routine.
In other words, when you are young, work for the experience not for the pay cheque. Once you have accumulated all the skills and experience you can in your area of focus, then you can start calling the shots but until then, earn to learn.
"All riches have their origin in the mind. Wealth is in ideas - not money" ~ Robert Collier
Many people have it twisted that being rich is the same as being wealthy. You can be rich but not wealthy, but wealth can very well incorporate riches.
The main difference between being rich and being wealthy is knowledge.
Not sure how true it is but I have heard it said that no two people have the same finger prints; not even identical twins. I guess this goes to prove the one thing that many people still don’t get; we are all unique!
When should you contact Liz Wachuka for Talks and Seminars?
As an organization, how can you benefit from engaging Liz Wachuka?
Having been in the corporate world for over 15 years, your organization will benefit from consultancy services in the areas of:
Going after your dream, or walking your designated path may not necessarily be easy. Today I want to share a story about someone whose dream was almost snuffed out by a teacher. Yes, a TEACHER.
For any building to get built, it starts from a vision, or what we call the building’s blue print. This is a plan that shows the owner of the building every single detail of the proposed building, down to the minutest detail.
Whether you like it or not disappointments are a part of life. Just like day and night are a part of life, we are assured that at some point disappointment will happen to you.
That does not mean that you should go around carrying a negative attitude or being a pessimist. No. All I’m saying is that you should not be surprised when it happens.
The best way to deal with disappointments is to disappoint them.
A water bearer in India had two large pots hanging on each end of a pole he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master’s house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.
In a world full of negativity, bad news and lots of drama, a little motivation and inspiration every day will go a long way in putting you in the right frame of mind to face your days (and nights too) with a positive mental attitude. That's where Liz comes in...
I often wonder why people hate Mondays.
Isn’t it a day like any other day? Doesn’t it have 24 hours like any of the other 6 days of the week?
Then I figured out what the problem was: most people hate Mondays because it is a long way off from "excitement" i.e. the weekend.
Ever heard or read this version of Story of the Five Fingers?
One day, Sir. Middle came to the realization that Mr.Thumb was different from the rest of them. He quickly whispered to Ms.Ring and Mrs. Index to exclude Mr. Thumb from their group because he was shorter, fatter, and he lived far away from all of them.
“Sometimes a majority simply means that all the fools are on the same side.” ― Claude C. McDonald.
I know that quote may sound very insensitive but unfortunately it is very true. Many people fear being different; they fear standing up for what is true and what they believe in because they don’t want to be ridiculed or hated by others.
A smile is a secret weapon that most people don’t realize they can use.
Today I just thought I should share some ten reasons why you should smile often. Here goes:
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