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As a public speaker, I am often asked to introduce myself or say something about myself. I have to admit this is one task I find very daunting. Isn't it enough to just know that my name is Liz H. Wachuka? Anyway, there are times when I get away with just saying my name but others, I have no choice…
When a woman conceives, her body changes as the pregnancy grows. She experiences several discomforts and changes in her body all throughout her pregnancy, and when D-Day finally comes, she goes through the ultimate test of being a woman: childbirth.    Today I was thinking and I realized…
  If there is one thing that is certain in business, it is uncertainty; still, some companies perform reliably and with excellence in spite of changing circumstances. Predictable Results in Unpredictable Times is about four essentials for getting great performance in good times and bad; in…
When I started the #52BooksIn52Weeks2018 Book Reading Challenge, I thought I had an idea of the kind of books I would read for the year. If you have been following my trend, you will realize that I started mostly with personal development books because that is what I really needed; to develop…
  Setting business strategy enables you to develop absolute clarity, establish priorities, organize resources and get better results than ever before. A strategic plan helps crystalize the future of an organization-mapping a clear path from where the company stands today to where you wish it…
  “When you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world cries while you rejoice.” — Ancient Sanskrit sayingDoes the gem of wisdom quoted above strike a chord deep within you? Do you feel that life is slipping by so fast that you…
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I personally wish the DART buses were available in the whole of Dar Es Salaam. I have some hope that one day, we will have some operating between Bunju and Morocco. I say this because they literally save you hours, hours one would have spent stuck in…
  Stephen R. Covey's book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People®, continues to be a best seller for the simple reason that it ignores trends and pop psychology and focuses on timeless principles of fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity.  One of the most compelling books…
Today I’d like to base my article on a story I read on the web not so long ago. It has been shared by many people but this particular version I got from, and added my own slight tweaks. Here goes the story....     The first day of school our professor introduced…
We are already in the second week of this quarter, which also happens to be the second week of the month of April. What would you say you have done differently from the fourteen weeks that have already passed so far?  Well, here's something I 'd like to share with us this week.  For…
"It's just the way I am", or, "that's how we've always been in this family" are words I got used to hearing so many times from members of our clan and immediate family that it somewhat registered in my mind that they were just a bunch of "peculiar" people. I am sure you too have heard your…
  Ever wondered how an organization’s culture is created? Well, here below I have shared two interesting (real) stories that quite effectively encapsulate the process of culture formation. An experiment was conducted in which five rhesus monkeys were placed in a cage together with a bunch of…
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