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My usual online companion defines x-factor as,“a noteworthy special talent or quality.“ It could also mean, “a variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on a specific outcome.” So, if I got the meaning right, X factor is a quality that one cannot really describe, but…
U For Upgrade Nowadays, the moment you mention the word upgrade people think of gadgets; getting the latest iPhone or Samsung, getting the latest MacBook or Dell laptop; getting the latest home theatre with the best surround, or getting the last model of your favorite ride. That’s what people think…
As a public speaker, I am often asked to introduce myself or say something about myself. I have to admit this is one task I find very daunting. Isn't it enough to just know that my name is Liz H. Wachuka? Anyway, there are times when I get away with just saying my name but others, I have no choice…
S For Stop   Yesterday I talked about reflecting and I shared a few benefits you can derive from incorporating this into your daily routine. As you reflect, this will give you room to plan the next day with fewer chances of repeating today’s mistakes.​ I also mentioned that daily…
R for Reflect Reflect simply means, “to think deeply or carefully about a particular thing or subject.”​ ​It also means "show an image of something on a mirror or shiny surface ".​ Alan Cohen said, “Everyone and everything that shows up in our life is a reflection of something that…
Q For Quarantine.   This word has been used so much over the last three months it is almost a household name now. As a matter of fact, I won’t be surprised if nine months from now we have some kids with first name Quarantine.     According to my usual online dictionary, the word…
P For Present The word present is quite interesting because it has a variety of meanings, which can be used interchangeably depending on what you want to say. Here's an example: I am here to present this present to the present chairlady of the club. One word, different meanings.   If I am…
H For Honesty   Honesty is the absence of deceit. It is the ability to be candid and frank even when it is unpopular to do so. When you are honest, you will never have to memorize anything you say to anyone because whatever you say to anyone is the truth. “Honesty is more than not…
    C For Control   If there is something I am finding hard to do during this interesting times we are living in, it is to not touch my face! I can almost bet that you too are having a similar challenge. Then of course there is that part where I decide to wear a mask even when…
A For Avoid I have never in my life thought I would see a day when I would be told to avoid HUGGING or SHAKING people’s hands. If you know me then you must know how much of a hugger and a greeter I am. I can do without the crowds any time of day since am not a fun of crowds anyway, but…
2020 it is finally. Happy New Year 2020! What I call the teen years are now behind us and boy, didn't they behave like true teenagers?!? In case I've lost you, I'm calling the years between 2013 - 2019 teen years because of the "teen" element in the pronounciation i.e. thirteen, fourteen,…
“There is no such thing as a 'self-made' man. We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success.” George Burton Adams I used to…
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