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My usual online companion defines x-factor as,“a noteworthy special talent or quality.“ It could also mean, “a variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on a specific outcome.” So, if I got the meaning right, X factor is a quality that one cannot really describe, but…
O For Opportunity   Today we were having a conversation with my son over dinner and he “misheard” what I’d said about something. When he repeated to me what he thought I’d said, what he said sounded like a great business idea. Right there we started brainstorming on the possibilities of him…
A For Avoid I have never in my life thought I would see a day when I would be told to avoid HUGGING or SHAKING people’s hands. If you know me then you must know how much of a hugger and a greeter I am. I can do without the crowds any time of day since am not a fun of crowds anyway, but…
  In the classic bestseller His Needs, Her Needs, Willard F. Harley, Jr., identifies the ten most vital needs of men and women and shows husbands and wives how to satisfy those needs in their spouses. He provides guidance for becoming irresistible to your spouse and for loving more creatively…
  Dr. Elizabeth R Vaughan received her BA degree at the University of Texas, where she was chosen Outstanding Student. She graduated from Southwestern Medical school and did her residency in ophthalmology at Parkland Memorial hospital in Dalas, Texas. She did postgraduate training at Harvard…
  Why do some people achieve all their goals while others simply dream of having a better life? Bestselling author Brian Tracy shows that the path from frustration to fulfillment has already been discovered. Hundreds of thousands—even millions—of men and women have started with nothing and…
  Celebrity Branding You® laser focuses on one of the most profound yet simple business concepts that will revolutionize your business. ⁣ By Celebrity Branding® yourself as the expert in your field, you are able to distinguish yourself and your business in such a way that you can eliminate any…
  This book will really get you thinking about your life.... The hidden question in the book is, "What will you be rememembered for when you die?" In the book they gave examples of people such as Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey and the like, people who have created a legacy that is…
  “Hal Elrod is a genius and his book The Miracle Morning has been magical in my life. What Hal has done is taken the best practices, developed over centuries of human consciousness development, and condensed the 'best of the best' into a daily morning ritual. A ritual that is now…
  This year, as part of my reading regimen, besides the Bible I have purposed to incorporate a devotional book into my morning regimen, a habit that is helping me stay spiritually aligned each day.  In this category, my first book of the year was Making Maximum Impact by Bishop O. Oyedepo…
  The Compound Effect contains the essence of what every superachiever needs to know, practice, and master to obtain extraordinary success.​ This New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller is based on the principle that little, everyday decisions will either…
Hello my dear Esteemed Reader. Happy New Year 2019 to you and yours!   I am truly grateful that you and I are still here this year. It may look like it is just a normal thing but from some of the news I got towards the last few hours of 2018, I just cannot take being alive today for granted. I…
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