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Meet the Speaker

Meet the Speaker

In a world full of negativity, bad news and lots of drama, a little motivation and inspiration every day will go a long way in putting you in the right frame of mind to face your days (and nights too) with a positive mental attitude. That's where Liz comes in...

Liz Wachuka is a self-made motivational and inspirational speaker/writter whose passion and mission is in igniting, inspiring and influencing people to live a purpose driven life that ensures they realize their dreams. This she does through speaking engagements, through writing in different magazines and newspapers as well as on this very blog.

It has been said that experience is the best teacher and for Liz, this has been very true. Through the many mistakes she has made in her life, she has learned life changing lessons that have helped shape her life today. Through writing and speaking, she uses those experiences to help others avoid making the same mistakes she did.  

To have a more personal connection with Liz, visit and subscribe to her channel on YouTube to hear her speak to you directly or you can visit the different sections of this blog to read the hundreds of articles she has personally written. Feel free to share with others.

Liz Wachuka is known as a highly approachable, motivational and inspirational person whose passion and mission is in being a positive influencer of society.

Having been born into a single-parent family, she went through many challenges especially as a teenager, which led her to make life-changing mistakes along the way. It is not until much later when she was already an adult that she realized that the mistakes could actually be packaged into messages that can help others.

Today, based on lessons learnt from her past mistakes she has designed a program for teenagers and young adults known as The Routeen. Through this program, she now spends time with teenagers and young adults empowering them and instilling in them a discipline of cultivating a routine that catapults them to a successful adulthood.

Whether a teenager or an adult, reading her articles or listening to Liz Wachuka share her journey will ignite a fire in you that will inspire you to go back and pick up your dreams where you left them buried. She has a way of packaging life changing messages into humorous nuggets of wisdom that when applied will have a positive impact on your life.

Besides igniting, inspiring and influencing others, she has been a ghost-writer of several motivational books and is now finally writing her first book which she expects to publish soon.