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We all have dreams.  In the journey towards achieving those dreams, we will encounter individuals who may not see our vision or understand the path we are taking. Sometimes, their lack of understanding can cast shadows on our aspirations, often making us doubt our own brilliance and abilities…
At the beginning of this year, I purposed in my heart that I would become a medal hunter. Actually this is something I said to myself towards the end of last year. My first medal hunting experience was in February this year, on the eve of my 45th birthday. That day was a first for me in many ways;…
If you know me well then you must know I love writing, though for 11 months now I haven’t written any blog post. I intend to change that in 2020. Having not blogged in a while, I hadn’t envisioned myself making a comeback on such a sombre note. However, the circustamces require that I do so…
“There is no such thing as a 'self-made' man. We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success.” George Burton Adams I used to…
If there is one thing that is certain in business, it is uncertainty; still some companies perform reliably well and with excellence in spite of changing circumstances and business conditions, while others completely collapse. Why? There is evidence showing that those that survive uncertainty have…
Hello my dear Esteemed Reader. Happy New Year 2019 to you and yours!   I am truly grateful that you and I are still here this year. It may look like it is just a normal thing but from some of the news I got towards the last few hours of 2018, I just cannot take being alive today for granted. I…
We only have one more day to go before we store 2018 away together will all the other years that have passed before this one. If I may be bold enough to ask you, on a scale of 0 – 10, how would you rate your 2018, 0 being the worst and 10 being the best? Secondly, on a scale of 0 – 10 how would you…
When I started the #52BooksIn52Weeks2018 Book Reading Challenge, I thought I had an idea of the kind of books I would read for the year. If you have been following my trend, you will realize that I started mostly with personal development books because that is what I really needed; to develop…
Every so often I allow myself to just sit and watch human beings being weird, as they do things that are truly embarrassing.    Let’s take a good example of the nicely dressed guy who just stepped out of his black colored machine. His ensemble suggested that while others were complaining…
This last week saw Africa lay down to rest a great statesman, the late Kofi Annan. As I watched the proceedings of the funeral live online, I was saddened by the realization that people of his caliber are fast diminishing from this continent, mostly due to age and age-related ailments. I was also…
Hello You! Thank you for taking the time to read this article today. If you are a first time reader of this column, I am completely convinced that you are not here by mistake but by divine connection. As for those of you who have been reading this column devotedly, I just want to take this…
Happy 9th Month everyone! It is September 2018 already, and yes, I am still trying to figure out where the other eight months went to. Honestly speaking, it feels like it was just a few weeks ago when we were wishing each other a Happy New Year. As of two days ago, its eight down and four more…
What is the value of your life? I believe this is a question few people can answer, and even fewer have ever bothered to think about it. Today I’d like to share the experience of a young boy who sought to find out the answer to this question from his grandmother. Here goes... Once a little boy went…
Two weeks ago right here on this column, I wrote an article that my editor titled “Why you should move on despite various negative incidents”.  On 11th of August, exactly one week after the article appeared here, the same article appeared elsewhere in a different local newspaper but…
The other day I met someone whose sense of humor is just on another level. We were talking about health and fitness, and how much people struggle to have a six-pack. Then from nowhere he said something that left everyone who heard him in guffaws, tears and rib aches. This is what he said, “You know…