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When I was young, over Christmas holidays my cousins and I would be taken to the village by our parents to spend the holidays with our grandparents. We would spend lots of time engaging ourselves with farm-related activities such as coffee picking (my favorite activity at the farm), drawing water…
Do you ever feel like life is moving too fast for you sometimes? This is exactly what I have been feeling lately and especially this particular month. Just the other day it was 1stof July. Now today is the last Sunday of July 2018. What happened to this month, where did the days and weeks in…
While the former president of the USA was in South Africa recently, he gave a very inspiring and captivating speech to the over 15,000 people who had assembled for the Nelson Mandela 16thAnnual Lecture in Johannesburg. I have to say it was quite an amazing speech and as you know, his…
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I personally wish the DART buses were available in the whole of Dar Es Salaam. I have some hope that one day, we will have some operating between Bunju and Morocco. I say this because they literally save you hours, hours one would have spent stuck in…
Today I’d like to base my article on a story I read on the web not so long ago. It has been shared by many people but this particular version I got from, and added my own slight tweaks. Here goes the story....     The first day of school our professor introduced…
I have to admit this last few weeks have been quite busy for me considering that I had exams going on, and as a result, I haven’t really been putting in a lot of focus on reading books like I did the first half of the year. Nevertheless, I am glad that so far I just finished my 27th book and I…
They often say that it's not what you know but who you know.    Well, that’s what they say. I, on the other hand, have a different version of that. Today I want to tell you to forget about who you know and even what you know. Instead, have this mentality that it is what you do with who…
There’s this story that goes something like this.... There was this man in a far away land. In this land, they used to enjoy dog fights, just like in some parts of east Africa people enjoy bull-fights. Whenever there was a fight, the man would go in early and bet on one of the two dogs in the fight…
I think it’s time we acknowledged the fact that fatigue is an epidemic in our societies today, regardless of where in the world one is in. People seem to be having too much to do and very little time to do it. As a result, we have more people suffering from never ending tiredness than ever before.…
For the better part of last week, for some strange reason I found myself talking to people about taking responsibility for their health and not waiting for things to get to the point of no-return, then they start running all over the place seeking help. Actually I now remember a lot of these…
Misconceptions, what are they? This is what an online dictionary has to say about them....... a view or opinion that is incorrect because based on faulty thinking or understanding. E.g. "public misconceptions about AIDS remain high" synonyms: misapprehension, …
Let’s talk about “Listening”. This week I had the opportunity to speak to a group of over 150 youths about Using The Power Of Networking To Grow Your Business.  As I was preparing my presentation, the one thing that stood out so clearly is that networking is all about “listening to…
In my day to day activities, sometimes I do get what I refer to some very strange requests from individuals and companies alike.  As you might be aware of, I do offer customized training services for corporates, but other than that, I also work with organizations to create strategies for…
I am loving the weather lately, I mean compared to the glaring heat we experienced the first quarter of the year, this coolness is a welcome change. But of course the coolness has not come without its fair share of challenges; increased mosquitoes thanks to the “swamps” that have developed in…
A close relative (who is also a very close friend) got married a couple of weeks ago and even though I had hoped to go for the wedding to celebrate his good great fortune, I couldn’t because his wedding collided with a prior engagement I already had.  However much later he sent…