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Don't Give Up

We all have dreams.  In the journey towards achieving those dreams, we will encounter individuals who may not see our vision or understand the path we are taking. Sometimes, their lack of understanding can cast shadows on our aspirations, often making us doubt our own brilliance and abilities…
At the beginning of this year, I purposed in my heart that I would become a medal hunter. Actually this is something I said to myself towards the end of last year. My first medal hunting experience was in February this year, on the eve of my 45th birthday. That day was a first for me in many ways;…
Z For Zeal It’s been a while since I’ve been here, not because I didn’t want to, but because I was forced by circumstances to not be here. You see, I had an unwanted visitor in the form of a mammoth migraine. Let me just say the migraine migrated with its entire extended family and cramped itself…
If you know me well then you must know I love writing, though for 11 months now I haven’t written any blog post. I intend to change that in 2020. Having not blogged in a while, I hadn’t envisioned myself making a comeback on such a sombre note. However, the circustamces require that I do so…
  From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Who Moved My Cheese?, a brilliant new parable that shows readers how to stay calm and successful, even in the most challenging of environments.A young man lives unhappily in a valley. One day he meets an old man who lives on a…
What is the value of your life? I believe this is a question few people can answer, and even fewer have ever bothered to think about it. Today I’d like to share the experience of a young boy who sought to find out the answer to this question from his grandmother. Here goes... Once a little boy went…
I am not sure what the parents of this kid did to her when they found out what she had done. I am not sure where they were when this was happening in the first place. I am not sure whether by the time they found her, whether she had already meticulously cut out the heads from the notes and nicely…
  Name your problem, and you name your possibility! That's the message in Dr. Robert H. Schuller's bestseller, Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do! Dr. Schuller shows you how to build a positive self-image, no matter what your problem. Whether it's unemployment, poor health,…
Animals never cease to amaze me, and when I say animals I don’t just mean dogs because they are my favorite animals but I mean animals of all kinds, except creepy crawlies like snakes and crabs which creep the living daylights out of me. I don’t know why but this past week I received a lot of…
Today I want to take you back to 1993, and specifically to a film called Sister Act 2. If you haven’t watched that movie you need to get online and watch it.  Speaking of going online, isn’t it amazing how innovation and technology has made life easier (yet more complex) for us? Today you…
Last week was a very weird week for me. I kept waiting for CATS that didn’t happen, and as I result I couldn’t make any concrete plans on any of my other activities because I was expecting those exams to happen any day. But at the end of it all, I was informed that they will not happen last week,…
“Someone’s opinion of you does not have to be your reality.” This quote from Les Brown forms the basis of my article today. But first, as always, a little background. A few weeks ago I had to go for a very important dinner meeting, and as I was leaving home heading to the venue of this meeting…
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