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May 2016

Stuck in the Mud

If you are in the region, then you must be experiencing the one season most people dread; the rainy season. It has been raining elephants and lions lately and the roads have taken a major beating owing to the frequency of the rains. But the worst hit areas are not even the main roads but the in-roads that lead to most residential areas, except of course if you leave in Masaki, Oysterbay and the environs. For the rest of us who leave elsewhere, lets just say most of us are swimming in mud puddles since the “all weather roads” no longer exist.

Journeying through Life

It is 4:30 in the morning. Not so many cars are on the road yet but still quite a number of them considering it is still very early. I’m almost late for my flight but thankfully, I get to the airport just as the first boarding call is being announced. The girls at the counter are very helpful and they quickly process my ticket and I get my boarding pass. As I look around, I realize the airport is almost full and it’s not even daybreak yet. Where are all these people going?

Enjoy Life

There is no reward for finishing life first. However, there are many rewards for living life well. Something wonderful happens every day if you pay attention. But if you are zipping along life at breakneck speeds, how will you notice it?

Life is a journey. Like every journey, you are bound to experience various obstacles along your path. Will you give up on reaching your destination because of obstacles? You shouldn't. Instead, purpose to enjoy every minute of your journey thorugh life, obstacles and all.

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Forget the Past

If you have ever experienced failure, then you know how hard it is to get rid of the fear of failure and start all over again. Like a wounded dog, you will often find yourself going back to that wound and licking it over and over again, not knowing that sometimes by so doing, you are making it harder and harder to heal.

Bulk Baggage

Countdown to my flight has reached to T-18 hours. I am yet to pack and as it is, I don’t even know what I will be packing for this trip because guess what, am on my way from another trip and I’m yet to get home. This can only mean one thing: another short night for me. Why is it that the night before I travel I always find myself sleeping late? What really happens to time?