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I used to think I had my stuff together. Then I got married.... Marriage is great, but it literally rocked everything I knew. I quickly realized my basic goal in life, prior to getting married, was to simply remain undisturbed. This “disruption” came suddenly and was disguised as a 5-foot-nothing…
I was in Nairobi recently and while I was there, besides registering as a voter, I got a chance to talk to many people and pick their brains on what they thought of the political scene in Kenya right now. Strangely enough though, most of them had no qualms whatsoever having an UhuRuto presidency.…
Life has a way of pulling a fast one on us. Things happen that you didn't expect and if you are not careful, you might end up being depressed. But guess what, in every bad situation, there is always something positive to embrace. You just need to look long and hard enough and you will see it. In…
A friend of mine was blessed with a baby boy just the other day. I’m sure you know that when I say she was blessed I mean she was pregnant and finally gave birth. When I went to see her in hospital 24 hours after delivery, she was still in a lot of pain. Her face was puffed up, she couldn’t walk or…
Today I’d like to start this article by thanking all those who wrote back to me to wish me a quick recover after finding out I was unwell. Thank you all so very much for taking the time to check on me. I don’t take that for granted. May God bless you loads. On another note, I’d like to address…
Last week I had an encounter I had not expected or even imagined happening. It was an encounter that left me incapacitated for the whole week and actually, even as I write this article, I’m still feeling the effects of that encounter. Wait, I think the encounter must have happened a few weeks…
The other day I heard some Swahili sayings that reminded me those days when I was in school. We used to have this Swahili teacher who would consistently use Swahili sayings to instill the fear of life in us. Looking back at those days, now I realize that her intentions were right but her approach…
Every day I go out jogging, I encounter things that really amuse me, from people telling me “pole kwa uchovu wa mazoezi”, others whistling at me to try get my attention, then of course there are those drivers who just flash their headlights at me assuming I will interpret the meaning of the flash,…
Remember the story I shared last week about the cabbie named Wasu? Well, for some reason that story stuck in my mind and I found myself thinking about it consistently. I know what you are thinking; but you are the one who shared the story so why would you keep thinking about it? I guess the sole…
Someone shared this story that I thought was quite something…. I was waiting in line for a ride to the airport somewhere in India. When a cab pulled up, the first thing I noticed was that the taxi was polished to a bright shine. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black…
The other day a friend and brother in Christ went to Facebook to show off his latest business venture; chicken farming, specifically broilers. He has quite a number of broilers and as I watched them, my mind went back to basics. Suddenly I had this crazy question nagging me at the back of my mind…
Ever wanted to do something so much because deep down your heart you know it is a God-given agenda you are propagating, only to be met with obstacles from every corner of your life, and sometimes from the least unexpected persons? Well, me too. Then I landed upon this powerful message by the famous…
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