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J For Journey   Life is a journey, so the old adage says. Question is, a journey to where?   That right there is the big question.   “It is the act of travelling from one place to another”, defines one online dictionary.  This means there is the beginning of the journey and…
Do you ever feel like life is moving too fast for you sometimes? This is exactly what I have been feeling lately and especially this particular month. Just the other day it was 1stof July. Now today is the last Sunday of July 2018. What happened to this month, where did the days and weeks in…
  Paulo Coelho's masterpiece tells the magical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure as extravagant as any ever found. The story of the treasures Santiago finds along the way teaches us, as only a few stories can, about the essential…
Indeed life is like a long unwinding road heading somewhere upcountry; those are always several kilometers long and never really seem to come to an end.  Some parts are straight while some have bends. Some are uphill and some go downhill. Some parts have bumps while…
Every day I go out jogging, I encounter things that really amuse me, from people telling me “pole kwa uchovu wa mazoezi”, others whistling at me to try get my attention, then of course there are those drivers who just flash their headlights at me assuming I will interpret the meaning of the flash,…
Be grateful for all the obstacles in your life. They have and will continue to strengthen you as you continue with your journey.
There is no reward for finishing life first. However, there are many rewards for living life well. Something wonderful happens every day if you pay attention. But if you are zipping along life at breakneck speeds, how will you notice it? Life is a journey. Like every journey, you are bound to…
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