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F For FearLess   Fear is like that negative friend who is always there to tell you why you cannot be who you want to be, or you cannot do what you want to do, that friend who is always reminding you of your past mistakes and failure and uses them as a way of pulling you back instead of pushing…
    C For Control   If there is something I am finding hard to do during this interesting times we are living in, it is to not touch my face! I can almost bet that you too are having a similar challenge. Then of course there is that part where I decide to wear a mask even when…
  One cold winter night in Toronto, the Holy Spirit entered Benny Hinn's life in such a dramatic way that he was changed forever. The same thing can happen to you. Join the millions of others who have read Good Morning Holy Spirit and discover if you are ready to meet the Holy Spirit…
  A young boy emerges from life-saving surgery with remarkable stories of his visit to heaven. Heaven Is for Real is the true story of the four-year old son of a small town Nebraska pastor who during emergency surgery slips from consciousness and enters heaven. He survives and begins…
  Dr. Elizabeth R Vaughan received her BA degree at the University of Texas, where she was chosen Outstanding Student. She graduated from Southwestern Medical school and did her residency in ophthalmology at Parkland Memorial hospital in Dalas, Texas. She did postgraduate training at Harvard…
  The hopelessness and impotence of Satan in anything that concerns the believer, is a truth that must be known and understood by every child of God. This is what Dr. Oyedepo's new book is all about. In this explosive book, you will discover that: "You can walk out on the devil! He is nothing…
What is the value of your life? I believe this is a question few people can answer, and even fewer have ever bothered to think about it. Today I’d like to share the experience of a young boy who sought to find out the answer to this question from his grandmother. Here goes... Once a little boy went…
  Name your problem, and you name your possibility! That's the message in Dr. Robert H. Schuller's bestseller, Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do! Dr. Schuller shows you how to build a positive self-image, no matter what your problem. Whether it's unemployment, poor health,…
Animals never cease to amaze me, and when I say animals I don’t just mean dogs because they are my favorite animals but I mean animals of all kinds, except creepy crawlies like snakes and crabs which creep the living daylights out of me. I don’t know why but this past week I received a lot of…
Think about when you visit a seamstress with an aim of getting yourself a new outfit done. What do you do? You either go to her with a pre-determined design in your mind, or with one already in your hand or on your phone. Why? Because there is no way she will be able to come up with an outfit for…
A friend of mine was blessed with a baby boy just the other day. I’m sure you know that when I say she was blessed I mean she was pregnant and finally gave birth. When I went to see her in hospital 24 hours after delivery, she was still in a lot of pain. Her face was puffed up, she couldn’t walk or…
“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” ― Paulo Coelho
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