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At the beginning of this year, I purposed in my heart that I would become a medal hunter. Actually this is something I said to myself towards the end of last year. My first medal hunting experience was in February this year, on the eve of my 45th birthday. That day was a first for me in many ways;…
W For Wait   A few months ago I introduced a friend to someone who was looking for a good personal assistance. She went for the interview and was sure she had nailed the job, but two months later, she still hadn’t gotten any response from that interview. One evening I got a text message from…
V For Vitamins   As days go by, more and more conflicting information keeps coming up about Ms. Rona aka Covid-19. The worst part is that this information is so confusing that sometimes the confusion itself can give you symptoms of the disease .e.g. a headache.  I don't know about you but…
N For Nutrimental.   Yes! Nutrimental is a word in the English dictionary.  It means “any substance or matter that, taken into a living organism, serves to sustain it in its existence, promoting growth, replacing loss, and providing energy.  I guess this can be simply translated to…
M For Manager   If you’ve been to a management class then you know the first thing they teach you are the functions of a manager. The functions are classified into planning, leading, organizing and controlling company resources to meet specific strategic goals laid by the company. Every other…
L For Love “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”, said Buddha Why do you think he had to remind people that? Because he knew that most people don’t really have any love or affection for themselves. If anything, most people feel afflicted and…
K For Knowledge   According to my usual online dictionary, knowledge is defined as, “facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.”   For today though, I want us to break down the word knowledgeinto…
J For Journey   Life is a journey, so the old adage says. Question is, a journey to where?   That right there is the big question.   “It is the act of travelling from one place to another”, defines one online dictionary.  This means there is the beginning of the journey and…
I for Interrupt   There’s this interesting quote by Napoleon Bonaparte that says, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”  That sounds like an “own goal” win, where your team wins after the other team scores an own goal. But to contextualize…
G For Gratitude Gratitude is an attitude of being thankful for all the things we do have, rather than complain about the things we don’t have or things that are not happening the way we want. Gratitude is a way of life; it is a lifestyle. Gratitude is about focusing on what's good in our…
F For FearLess   Fear is like that negative friend who is always there to tell you why you cannot be who you want to be, or you cannot do what you want to do, that friend who is always reminding you of your past mistakes and failure and uses them as a way of pulling you back instead of pushing…
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