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Thoughts in Words

These are articles published on a weekly basis on The Guardian on Sunday, a local newspaper in Tanzania. 

In my day to day activities, sometimes I do get what I refer to some very strange requests from individuals and companies alike.  As you might be aware of, I do offer customized training services for corporates, but other than that, I also work with organizations to create strategies for…
I am loving the weather lately, I mean compared to the glaring heat we experienced the first quarter of the year, this coolness is a welcome change. But of course the coolness has not come without its fair share of challenges; increased mosquitoes thanks to the “swamps” that have developed in…
A close relative (who is also a very close friend) got married a couple of weeks ago and even though I had hoped to go for the wedding to celebrate his good great fortune, I couldn’t because his wedding collided with a prior engagement I already had.  However much later he sent…
"If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as  Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, '…
Animals never cease to amaze me, and when I say animals I don’t just mean dogs because they are my favorite animals but I mean animals of all kinds, except creepy crawlies like snakes and crabs which creep the living daylights out of me. I don’t know why but this past week I received a lot of…
Today I want to take you back to 1993, and specifically to a film called Sister Act 2. If you haven’t watched that movie you need to get online and watch it.  Speaking of going online, isn’t it amazing how innovation and technology has made life easier (yet more complex) for us? Today you…
What would you do if you were wrongfully convicted for a murder you did not commit? Would you; A) Agree to a plea deal so you can get out faster? Or B) Stick to your guns even though that could mean you being jailed forever? Well, I don’t know what your response would be but I know of someone who…
Last week was a very weird week for me. I kept waiting for CATS that didn’t happen, and as I result I couldn’t make any concrete plans on any of my other activities because I was expecting those exams to happen any day. But at the end of it all, I was informed that they will not happen last week,…
  Last week the world lost a very powerful, influential and inspiring person, Stephen Hawking. Reading about his life, the challenges he went through and overcame made me ask myself lots of questions about my own life. Just so that we are all on the same page, let me share a short bio about…
“Someone’s opinion of you does not have to be your reality.” This quote from Les Brown forms the basis of my article today. But first, as always, a little background. A few weeks ago I had to go for a very important dinner meeting, and as I was leaving home heading to the venue of this meeting…
  Ever wondered how an organization’s culture is created? Well, here below I have shared two interesting (real) stories that quite effectively encapsulate the process of culture formation. An experiment was conducted in which five rhesus monkeys were placed in a cage together with a bunch of…
This last week was one of the most tiring weeks I’ve had in a long time. My days literally got linked into each other until at some point I found myself not remembering which day I was in. Actually I remember someone calling me on Friday afternoon and on asking me how my week had been, I just told…
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