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We all have dreams.  In the journey towards achieving those dreams, we will encounter individuals who may not see our vision or understand the path we are taking. Sometimes, their lack of understanding can cast shadows on our aspirations, often making us doubt our own brilliance and abilities…
L For Love “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”, said Buddha Why do you think he had to remind people that? Because he knew that most people don’t really have any love or affection for themselves. If anything, most people feel afflicted and…
B For Believe.   Believing is the act of accepting that something is true even in the absence of proof.   For instance, I am sure you do believe there is something called air, right? Good. Now, have you ever seen air with your own naked eyes? I guess not because even I have never…
  One cold winter night in Toronto, the Holy Spirit entered Benny Hinn's life in such a dramatic way that he was changed forever. The same thing can happen to you. Join the millions of others who have read Good Morning Holy Spirit and discover if you are ready to meet the Holy Spirit…
  A young boy emerges from life-saving surgery with remarkable stories of his visit to heaven. Heaven Is for Real is the true story of the four-year old son of a small town Nebraska pastor who during emergency surgery slips from consciousness and enters heaven. He survives and begins…
  Looking for a success formula? Here's a personal formula shared by one of my favorite motivational speaker's Les Brown. Read more about the book ..... Here is Les Brown's personal formula for success and happiness -- positively charged thoughts, guidance, examples, plus an Action Planner to…
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I personally wish the DART buses were available in the whole of Dar Es Salaam. I have some hope that one day, we will have some operating between Bunju and Morocco. I say this because they literally save you hours, hours one would have spent stuck in…
  Name your problem, and you name your possibility! That's the message in Dr. Robert H. Schuller's bestseller, Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do! Dr. Schuller shows you how to build a positive self-image, no matter what your problem. Whether it's unemployment, poor health,…
Animals never cease to amaze me, and when I say animals I don’t just mean dogs because they are my favorite animals but I mean animals of all kinds, except creepy crawlies like snakes and crabs which creep the living daylights out of me. I don’t know why but this past week I received a lot of…
What would you do if you were wrongfully convicted for a murder you did not commit? Would you; A) Agree to a plea deal so you can get out faster? Or B) Stick to your guns even though that could mean you being jailed forever? Well, I don’t know what your response would be but I know of someone who…
  John C. Maxwell believes that the greatest lessons we learn in life are from our losses. Everyone experiences loss, but not everyone learns from it.  In Sometimes You Win Sometimes You Learn, Dr. Maxwell explores the most common lessons we learn when we experience loss. He then…
For some strange reason this past week has had events that led me down memory lane more than I have been in the recent years. Some memories were good while some were not so good. But there was one particular memory that got me so pensive to the point of almost getting me emotional (read crying).…
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