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My usual online companion defines x-factor as,“a noteworthy special talent or quality.“ It could also mean, “a variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on a specific outcome.” So, if I got the meaning right, X factor is a quality that one cannot really describe, but…
  The Compound Effect contains the essence of what every superachiever needs to know, practice, and master to obtain extraordinary success.​ This New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller is based on the principle that little, everyday decisions will either…
The other day I met someone whose sense of humor is just on another level. We were talking about health and fitness, and how much people struggle to have a six-pack. Then from nowhere he said something that left everyone who heard him in guffaws, tears and rib aches. This is what he said, “You know…
Today I want to take you back to 1993, and specifically to a film called Sister Act 2. If you haven’t watched that movie you need to get online and watch it.  Speaking of going online, isn’t it amazing how innovation and technology has made life easier (yet more complex) for us? Today you…
  Why is it that some talented people reach their full potential, while others self-destruct or remain trapped in mediocrity? What makes the difference? In this book, Maxwell asserts that the choices people make–not merely the skills they inherit–propel them to greatness. Among other…
Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God ~ Leo Buscaglia
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