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The other day I met someone whose sense of humor is just on another level. We were talking about health and fitness, and how much people struggle to have a six-pack. Then from nowhere he said something that left everyone who heard him in guffaws, tears and rib aches. This is what he said, “You know…
  A few years ago I was asked to put everything I know about sales and selling into an easy to use program that anyone, even you could use to sell more now and double or even triple your income in the shortest time possible. Here's what I came up with. I put on a full day presentation for a…
Let’s talk about “Listening”. This week I had the opportunity to speak to a group of over 150 youths about Using The Power Of Networking To Grow Your Business.  As I was preparing my presentation, the one thing that stood out so clearly is that networking is all about “listening to…
You probably have one in front of you right now as you are reading this. A few seconds ago you may have used it to reduce the volume on your TV or Radio or both. In about ten minutes after you are done reading this, you will probably pick it again and start flipping channels on your decoder, using…
  Today I’d like to talk about investing. When someone talks about investing, I know the first thought that comes to mind is the investing process that involves one to spend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial schemes, shares, or…
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