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Personal Development

  If I was asked I'd say That's Not How We Do Things Here is about challenging the status quo. In this book, authors John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber examine the dynamics of change and innovation within organisations. Through a captivating story, they illustrate the challenges and…
  Ryan Holiday's enlightening book Ego Is the Enemy dives into how ego may impair our personal and professional lives. Drawing on lessons from both historical and modern figures, Holiday makes a compelling argument for the perils of ego and how it may lead us wrong. The book is organised into…
  John C. Maxwell's book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, is a thorough guide for anyone wishing to maximise their personal and professional potential. As a prominent specialist in leadership development, Maxwell offers practical tips and insights to assist readers embark on a journey of…
V For Vitamins   As days go by, more and more conflicting information keeps coming up about Ms. Rona aka Covid-19. The worst part is that this information is so confusing that sometimes the confusion itself can give you symptoms of the disease .e.g. a headache.  I don't know about you but…
U For Upgrade Nowadays, the moment you mention the word upgrade people think of gadgets; getting the latest iPhone or Samsung, getting the latest MacBook or Dell laptop; getting the latest home theatre with the best surround, or getting the last model of your favorite ride. That’s what people think…
M For Manager   If you’ve been to a management class then you know the first thing they teach you are the functions of a manager. The functions are classified into planning, leading, organizing and controlling company resources to meet specific strategic goals laid by the company. Every other…
K For Knowledge   According to my usual online dictionary, knowledge is defined as, “facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.”   For today though, I want us to break down the word knowledgeinto…
D For Diffabled Diffabled? Is that even an English word?     Well my dear reader, I thought I was making up this word and got shocked when the dictionary in my MacBook “Okayed” it by not putting a red line under it to signify "wrong word". That made me go online to look for its…
    C For Control   If there is something I am finding hard to do during this interesting times we are living in, it is to not touch my face! I can almost bet that you too are having a similar challenge. Then of course there is that part where I decide to wear a mask even when…
B For Believe.   Believing is the act of accepting that something is true even in the absence of proof.   For instance, I am sure you do believe there is something called air, right? Good. Now, have you ever seen air with your own naked eyes? I guess not because even I have never…
A For Avoid I have never in my life thought I would see a day when I would be told to avoid HUGGING or SHAKING people’s hands. If you know me then you must know how much of a hugger and a greeter I am. I can do without the crowds any time of day since am not a fun of crowds anyway, but…
It’s been a while since I’ve been here - exactly 4 months to be precise, and a lot has happened since my last article here. I grew a year older within those 4 months and hopefully wiser in the process. I "managed" to hit some really stormy waters in both my personal and professional life, but…
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