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J For Journey   Life is a journey, so the old adage says. Question is, a journey to where?   That right there is the big question.   “It is the act of travelling from one place to another”, defines one online dictionary.  This means there is the beginning of the journey and…
G For Gratitude Gratitude is an attitude of being thankful for all the things we do have, rather than complain about the things we don’t have or things that are not happening the way we want. Gratitude is a way of life; it is a lifestyle. Gratitude is about focusing on what's good in our…
Two weeks ago right here on this column, I wrote an article that my editor titled “Why you should move on despite various negative incidents”.  On 11th of August, exactly one week after the article appeared here, the same article appeared elsewhere in a different local newspaper but…
  Based on the Andrew Carnegie formula for money-making, THE MASTER-KEY TO RICHES describes in step-by-step detail today's greatest practical philosophy of success….   This amazing philosophy, culled from the success experiences of hundreds of the world's most powerful and wealthy men,…
Anyone encountered the traffic cops in Dar lately? Let me put it this way; assume your car is an essay, and you need to get the highest marks possible from your teacher. What would you have to do to make sure you do? For starters, you’d have to make sure your essay is within the topic given to you…
“It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.” ~ Dale Carnegie And that right there is why I say happiness is a choice.  It is a choice because once you know what makes you unhappy, you'll not want…
Life has a way of pulling a fast one on us. Things happen that you didn't expect and if you are not careful, you might end up being depressed. But guess what, in every bad situation, there is always something positive to embrace. You just need to look long and hard enough and you will see it. In…
The only survivor of a shipwreck washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements…
It’s unbelievable to think that we are in March already. Isn’t it just the other day we were sending messages of goodwill over Christmas and New Year? What happened to the days in between? It feels like the earth is rotating faster nowadays than it used to before. It is unbelievable that we are in…
It’s been a while since I have deliberately taken time to visit Facebook and either update my status message, or just read through other people’s post. So on Friday morning we were in traffic and since I was feeling somehow sleepy, I decided to go through Facebook. I came across many posts but two…
Every so often I will share something I found from the net that touched my heart for one reason or another. Today’s share comes from the footballing arena, specifically from a lot of people’s football sweetheart. His name is Cristiano Ronaldo, the ladies eye candy… J Anyway, moving on swiftly, this…
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