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I think it’s time we acknowledged the fact that fatigue is an epidemic in our societies today, regardless of where in the world one is in. People seem to be having too much to do and very little time to do it. As a result, we have more people suffering from never ending tiredness than ever before.…
  Most people think success comes from good luck or enormous talent, but many successful people achieve their accomplishments in a simpler way: through self-discipline.  No Excuses! shows you how you can achieve success in all three major areas of your life, including your personal goals…
I had an opportunity to spend part of last week with Mum and as we were doing certain activities together, I realized how different things are now, and how much of our lives have been reversed so that what she used to do for me I am now doing for her.  It was a sad realization but one that I…
This week I’d like us to address the issue of PROCRASTINATION. We are in the 11th month of the year and someone is probably asking themselves where the other 10 months went because they are yet to achieve anything from the 2017 To-Do List they had created on 31st December 2016.  Well, here’s a…
Every so often, I post something on social media that is “supposedly” funny. Last week , I posted this right here... This was immediately after taking one liter of coffee – I have a 1 liter mug I use for this purpose. Anyway, someone saw this on my Instagram and followed me to my inbox and just…
You probably have one in front of you right now as you are reading this. A few seconds ago you may have used it to reduce the volume on your TV or Radio or both. In about ten minutes after you are done reading this, you will probably pick it again and start flipping channels on your decoder, using…
The last few months have been a bit hectic for me. I took on an assignment that has literally topsy-turvied my life in the sense that I have been finding myself extremely busy lately. Sometimes too busy to even get time to have my nails done! I’m not complaining, just surprised that it is possible…
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