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June 2018

If It's Going to Be, It's Up to You!

For the better part of last week, for some strange reason I found myself talking to people about taking responsibility for their health and not waiting for things to get to the point of no-return, then they start running all over the place seeking help. Actually I now remember a lot of these conversations were started by me asking the people I was talking to when they last went for a full body checkup.

Play Now, Pay Later

I think it’s time we acknowledged the fact that fatigue is an epidemic in our societies today, regardless of where in the world one is in. People seem to be having too much to do and very little time to do it. As a result, we have more people suffering from never ending tiredness than ever before. You must have heard (if not experienced it yourself) one or two people you know saying that they went to bed but woke up more tired than they were when they went to sleep.

Test Before Trust

I once had a boss who used to tell me this, "Liz, it is good to trust but it is best to doubt". I never quite understood him them and I actually thought he was being mean, but many years down the line I now fully understand what he meant by that. I have to admit that this has not been one of my strengths, but as I keep learning from my mistakes, I now understand why it is important to test before trusting. 

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Which Dog Is Fed?

There’s this story that goes something like this....

It's NOT What or Who You Know ….

They often say that it's not what you know but who you know.