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July 2018

Empty Tank

I have to admit this last few weeks have been quite busy for me considering that I had exams going on, and as a result, I haven’t really been putting in a lot of focus on reading books like I did the first half of the year. Nevertheless, I am glad that so far I just finished my 27th book and I’m now on the 28th book in the ongoing #52BooksIn52Weeks2018 book reading challenge.

The Rose

Today I’d like to base my article on a story I read on the web not so long ago. It has been shared by many people but this particular version I got from, and added my own slight tweaks. Here goes the story....  


In The Face Of Hope

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I personally wish the DART buses were available in the whole of Dar Es Salaam. I have some hope that one day, we will have some operating between Bunju and Morocco. I say this because they literally save you hours, hours one would have spent stuck in unmoving and frustrating traffic. With those buses covering all major routes in Dar Es Salaam, productivity would increase by leap and bounds. 


Rich Fools

While the former president of the USA was in South Africa recently, he gave a very inspiring and captivating speech to the over 15,000 people who had assembled for the Nelson Mandela 16thAnnual Lecture in Johannesburg. I have to say it was quite an amazing speech and as you know, his excellency Barack Obama is an excellent orator.

The Elevator

Do you ever feel like life is moving too fast for you sometimes? This is exactly what I have been feeling lately and especially this particular month. Just the other day it was 1stof July. Now today is the last Sunday of July 2018. What happened to this month, where did the days and weeks in between disappear to?