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The other day I met someone whose sense of humor is just on another level. We were talking about health and fitness, and how much people struggle to have a six-pack. Then from nowhere he said something that left everyone who heard him in guffaws, tears and rib aches. This is what he said, “You know…
I had an opportunity to spend part of last week with Mum and as we were doing certain activities together, I realized how different things are now, and how much of our lives have been reversed so that what she used to do for me I am now doing for her.  It was a sad realization but one that I…
You probably have one in front of you right now as you are reading this. A few seconds ago you may have used it to reduce the volume on your TV or Radio or both. In about ten minutes after you are done reading this, you will probably pick it again and start flipping channels on your decoder, using…
Happy New Month y'all! The first part of the year is gone and we are onto the second half. If you have nothing else to be grateful for, at least you should be grateful for seeing the second half of the year! Since the year begun, there are things you probably wanted to get done but didn't because…
Whatever you want to do, whatever you want to achieve in your life, it will never happen unless you take that FIRST STEP.
Yes it does. It requires time to practice, time to make mistakes, time to try again until you get it right. And even after you get it right, you still have to continue practicing because if you don't then you become complacent and eventually end up losing the edge you had while you were practicing…
Before I finally decided to put my thoughts into words this week, I was divided between writing this article and three others that were bubbling inside of me. Not sure why but this one won the day and so I hope there’s someone out there who will really benefit and be inspired by the words they are…
Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can't make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you'll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give…
“Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey. At other times, it is allowing another to take yours.” ~ Vera Nazarian,  
2014 is finally here with us and if you can read this, it means you and I have been given another chance, another opportunity and definitely another privilege to see the new year. So, without further ado, may I take this opportunity to deliver my New Year greetings to you all, and to wish you the…
Today has been quite a frustrating day for me. Enough times I came close to screaming; literally! But I was in the wrong place all the time. You see, I live in Dar es salaam, a city known to have temperatures of up to 35 deg Celsius sometimes. Then the infamous TANESCO decides to cut power at…
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