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  • Mon, 25th May 2020
    My usual online companion defines x-factor as,“a noteworthy special talent or quality.“ It could also mean, “a variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on a specific outcome.” So, if I got the meaning right, X factor is a quality that one cannot really describe, but it is something that makes a person overly unique and special. It is an outstanding, extraordinary... [Read More]
  • Mon, 11th May 2020
    K For Knowledge   According to my usual online dictionary, knowledge is defined as, “facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.”   For today though, I want us to break down the word knowledgeinto two parts i.e. Know and Edge. To make this possible, assume the “l” in knowledge is a separator between the two... [Read More]