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U For Upgrade Nowadays, the moment you mention the word upgrade people think of gadgets; getting the latest iPhone or Samsung, getting the latest MacBook or Dell laptop; getting the latest home theatre with the best surround, or getting the last model of your favorite ride. That’s what people think…
As a public speaker, I am often asked to introduce myself or say something about myself. I have to admit this is one task I find very daunting. Isn't it enough to just know that my name is Liz H. Wachuka? Anyway, there are times when I get away with just saying my name but others, I have no choice…
R for Reflect Reflect simply means, “to think deeply or carefully about a particular thing or subject.”​ ​It also means "show an image of something on a mirror or shiny surface ".​ Alan Cohen said, “Everyone and everything that shows up in our life is a reflection of something that…
  Throughout your life, you’ve always recognized “it” when you saw it--that indescribable, appealing quality that tells you loud and clear this person is a leader, someone you should trust, follow, and learn from. And you’ve always told yourself, if only you had that “it factor” inside you…
When a woman conceives, her body changes as the pregnancy grows. She experiences several discomforts and changes in her body all throughout her pregnancy, and when D-Day finally comes, she goes through the ultimate test of being a woman: childbirth.    Today I was thinking and I realized…
  He is the premier motivational communicator, having inspired millions worldwide. But this time, Zig Ziglar offers up a book that cuts deeper and burns brighter than any business success book before it, one that transcends even his own previous work and challenges you to new levels of…
What would you do if you were wrongfully convicted for a murder you did not commit? Would you; A) Agree to a plea deal so you can get out faster? Or B) Stick to your guns even though that could mean you being jailed forever? Well, I don’t know what your response would be but I know of someone who…
  A young woman walks into a laboratory. Over the past two years, she has transformed almost every aspect of her life. She has quit smoking, run a marathon, and been promoted at work. The patterns inside her brain, neurologists discover, have fundamentally changed. Marketers at Procter &…
Is it just me or has this year hit the ground running, literally? It feels like the clock is ticking faster than usual, the minutes are shorter than usual and the days have less than 24 hours. It’s hard to believe we are already on the 2nd week of 2018. Week one is gone forever, never to be seen…
Every day I have a routine of posting some inspirational stuff on my social media, especially on Instagram and on my Facebook Fan Page. This week I’ve been doing a lot of posts relating to change, change management, reflections and the like. In today’s article I want to continue with the same flow…
Earlier this week I had the rare opportunity of going through a few things basketball. Actually, I have to admit it all started when I went looking for some inspiring and motivating video clips on youtube. I had no specific category in mind but then somehow I landed on sportsmen. There were quite a…
I'm not sure but my guess is that when Martin Cooper, (a Motorola employee then) stood in midtown Manhattan in 1973 and placed a call to the headquarters of Bell Labs in New Jersey he probably didn't have a clue as to what he had just invented. I mean if the mobile phone was a human being, by now…
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