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  Sometimes an idea comes triggered by the most unlikely of events. This is the case with today’s article. This is not what I had planned to write for this week, but then something happened that made me change my mind. I will continue with what I had planned to right next week but for…
Someone shared this story that I thought was quite something…. I was waiting in line for a ride to the airport somewhere in India. When a cab pulled up, the first thing I noticed was that the taxi was polished to a bright shine. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black…
Happy New Month Y’all! I don’t know why but I am super excited about this new month. I guess it is because I have some renewed energy to go after my dreams and goals with gusto. To kick off our August theme, here below is a short story I’d like you to read: Once upon a time there were two…
I don’t know about your neighborhood but where I live, there seems to have a serious mosquito invasion. I am no scientist but I can almost bet that the species of mosquitos we are being attacked by are more resilient and more resistant to the usual insecticides we use. We’ve always known that…
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