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  • Sat, 8th Jul 2017
    This quote by Jim Rohn (the late) says alot in fourteen words; "You are the average of the FIVE people you spend the most time with" To best illustrate it, let me share a story I'm sure you must have heard or read about at some point in your life. Here goes.... There’s an old, well known story of a chicken farmer who found an eagle’s egg. He put it with his chickens and soon the egg hatched. The... [Read More]
  • Sun, 4th Sep 2016
    Someone shared this story that I thought was quite something…. I was waiting in line for a ride to the airport somewhere in India. When a cab pulled up, the first thing I noticed was that the taxi was polished to a bright shine. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black slacks, the cab driver jumped out and went round the car to open the back passenger door for me. He... [Read More]
  • Sun, 14th Feb 2016
    The internet is full of funny stuff, things that can cause one to laugh till your ribs hurt like someone gave you a kick. With the emergence of social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc., sharing of such stuff has become very easy especially now that almost every other person has a smartphone and internet bundles to compliment the phone. Besides, almost every office and up-... [Read More]
  • Mon, 15th Sep 2014
    Earlier this week I had the rare opportunity of going through a few things basketball. Actually, I have to admit it all started when I went looking for some inspiring and motivating video clips on youtube. I had no specific category in mind but then somehow I landed on sportsmen. There were quite a number of them but the one that really inspired me was one about a 6-6 sized basketball legend who... [Read More]
  • Tue, 4th Feb 2014
    I don’t know about your neighborhood but where I live, there seems to have a serious mosquito invasion. I am no scientist but I can almost bet that the species of mosquitos we are being attacked by are more resilient and more resistant to the usual insecticides we use. We’ve always known that mosquitoes attack us at night and so we do everything possible to make sure they don’t get us. We sleep... [Read More]