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What no one tells you before you get married...

I used to think I had my stuff together. Then I got married....

Marriage is great, but it literally rocked everything I knew. I quickly realized my basic goal in life, prior to getting married, was to simply remain undisturbed.

This “disruption” came suddenly and was disguised as a 5-foot-nothing Swedish-Filipino woman. When I decided I’d rather not live without her, I proceeded to ask her to marry me - that is, to officially invite someone who wasn’t me to be in my personal space for the rest of my life.

Your Vote is Your Voice - Vote PK

I was in Nairobi recently and while I was there, besides registering as a voter, I got a chance to talk to many people and pick their brains on what they thought of the political scene in Kenya right now. Strangely enough though, most of them had no qualms whatsoever having an UhuRuto presidency. On following closely, I found out that most of the people I was talking to were older conservative folks who fear change. They would rather support the devil(s) they know than vote for new and fresh leadership.

That's Not How We Do It Here - John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber


If I was asked I'd say That's Not How We Do Things Here is about challenging the status quo.

In this book, authors John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber examine the dynamics of change and innovation within organisations. Through a captivating story, they illustrate the challenges and opportunities that arise when organisations strive to adapt to an ever-evolving world.

Top 5 Regrets of the Dying - Bronnie Ware


I have to admit that The Top Five Regrets of the Dying wasn't an easy book to read, but it is undeniably an essential one for everyone. If you have children, it is crucial for them to read this book so they can learn from the regrets shared by those at the end of their lives, lying on their deathbeds with nothing left but time to reflect. By understanding these regrets, we can make choices that lead to more fulfilling and regret-free lives.

The Spare - Prince Harry


I haven't read many autobiographies in the past, but some friends recommended that I diversify my reading to include biographies. So, this year I decided to begin. Since I haven't been a fan of them in the past, I opted to start with one I anticipated would be engaging, and it didn't disappoint.

Here is my personal review of The Spare.

Own Your Brilliance. Shine Bright.

We all have dreams. 

In the journey towards achieving those dreams, we will encounter individuals who may not see our vision or understand the path we are taking. Sometimes, their lack of understanding can cast shadows on our aspirations, often making us doubt our own brilliance and abilities.

When this happens, try remind yourself this: Don’t ever let someone dim your light because it’s too bright for their eyes.

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