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Positive Mental Attitude

Y For Yesterday A guy from England, named John, had just arrived in New York for the first time and took a taxi to get to his hotel. Being in New York for the first time, he had a lot to admire and so when they passed the great great statue of liberty, John tapped the taxi driver on the shoulder to…
W For Wait   A few months ago I introduced a friend to someone who was looking for a good personal assistance. She went for the interview and was sure she had nailed the job, but two months later, she still hadn’t gotten any response from that interview. One evening I got a text message from…
V For Vitamins   As days go by, more and more conflicting information keeps coming up about Ms. Rona aka Covid-19. The worst part is that this information is so confusing that sometimes the confusion itself can give you symptoms of the disease .e.g. a headache.  I don't know about you but…
U For Upgrade Nowadays, the moment you mention the word upgrade people think of gadgets; getting the latest iPhone or Samsung, getting the latest MacBook or Dell laptop; getting the latest home theatre with the best surround, or getting the last model of your favorite ride. That’s what people think…
As a public speaker, I am often asked to introduce myself or say something about myself. I have to admit this is one task I find very daunting. Isn't it enough to just know that my name is Liz H. Wachuka? Anyway, there are times when I get away with just saying my name but others, I have no choice…
S For Stop   Yesterday I talked about reflecting and I shared a few benefits you can derive from incorporating this into your daily routine. As you reflect, this will give you room to plan the next day with fewer chances of repeating today’s mistakes.​ I also mentioned that daily…
R for Reflect Reflect simply means, “to think deeply or carefully about a particular thing or subject.”​ ​It also means "show an image of something on a mirror or shiny surface ".​ Alan Cohen said, “Everyone and everything that shows up in our life is a reflection of something that…
Q For Quarantine.   This word has been used so much over the last three months it is almost a household name now. As a matter of fact, I won’t be surprised if nine months from now we have some kids with first name Quarantine.     According to my usual online dictionary, the word…
N For Nutrimental.   Yes! Nutrimental is a word in the English dictionary.  It means “any substance or matter that, taken into a living organism, serves to sustain it in its existence, promoting growth, replacing loss, and providing energy.  I guess this can be simply translated to…
L For Love “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”, said Buddha Why do you think he had to remind people that? Because he knew that most people don’t really have any love or affection for themselves. If anything, most people feel afflicted and…
K For Knowledge   According to my usual online dictionary, knowledge is defined as, “facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.”   For today though, I want us to break down the word knowledgeinto…
I for Interrupt   There’s this interesting quote by Napoleon Bonaparte that says, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”  That sounds like an “own goal” win, where your team wins after the other team scores an own goal. But to contextualize…
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