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May 2020

The Alphabet Of Staying Alive

It’s been a while since I’ve been here - exactly 4 months to be precise, and a lot has happened since my last article here. I grew a year older within those 4 months and hopefully wiser in the process. I "managed" to hit some really stormy waters in both my personal and professional life, but thanks to God that is now behind me and I am totally grateful to God for rescuing me.

A For Avoid

A For Avoid

I have never in my life thought I would see a day when I would be told to avoid HUGGING or SHAKING people’s hands. If you know me then you must know how much of a hugger and a greeter I am. I can do without the crowds any time of day since am not a fun of crowds anyway, but the restriction to avoid hugs and handshakes, that one is really getting to me.

B For Be-Live

B For Believe.
Believing is the act of accepting that something is true even in the absence of proof.

C for Control



C For Control

D For Diffabled

D For Diffabled

Diffabled? Is that even an English word?  


E For extrAct

E For ExtrAct


Let nobody fool you; there is nothing as painful as a tooth that needs to be extracted! 

F For Fearless

F For FearLess


G For Gratitude

G For Gratitude

Gratitude is an attitude of being thankful for all the things we do have, rather than complain about the things we don’t have or things that are not happening the way we want. Gratitude is a way of life; it is a lifestyle.

H For Honesty

H For Honesty


I For Interrupt

I for Interrupt


There’s this interesting quote by Napoleon Bonaparte that says, Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” 

J For Journey

J For Journey


Life is a journey, so the old adage says. Question is, a journey to where?


K For Knowledge

K For Knowledge


L For Love

L For Love

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”, said Buddha

M For Manager

M For Manager


N For Nutrimental

N For Nutrimental.


Yes! Nutrimental is a word in the English dictionary. 

O For Opportunity

O For Opportunity


P For Present

P For Present

The word present is quite interesting because it has a variety of meanings, which can be used interchangeably depending on what you want to say. Here's an example:

Q For Quarantine

Q For Quarantine.


This word has been used so much over the last three months it is almost a household name now. As a matter of fact, I won’t be surprised if nine months from now we have some kids with first name Quarantine.  

R For Reflect

R for Reflect

S For Stop

S For Stop


T For Transformation

As a public speaker, I am often asked to introduce myself or say something about myself. I have to admit this is one task I find very daunting. Isn't it enough to just know that my name is Liz H. Wachuka? Anyway, there are times when I get away with just saying my name but others, I have no choice but to add those fancy titles they give us.

U For Upgrade

U For Upgrade

V for Vitamins

V For Vitamins


W For Wait

W For Wait