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It's been a while since I posted under this category. My bad for that. I promise you that from now on, I will be more regular in sharing the word of God as He lays it in my heart than ever before.

I've been going through a certain season of transition in my life and as I have been spending time in God's presence one thing that has come out clearly is that no matter what I am going through, no matter how hard or tough it looks, I should not give up or let my faith waver for whatever reason, but instead I should keep praying and believing that God will do something about my situation.

Then the other day I was prompted to read a scripture I know so well....Philippians 4:16

"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God". (Amplified Version)

This scripture kept ringing in my mind until I had to go back and re-read it from the bible itself. Then as I kept going back to see what I was missing, suddenly I saw the word .... the word "continue".

I don't know about you but friends many are the times I start praying about issues but then I give up halfway because it seems like nothing is happening. In fact, it always seems like the more I pray, the harder stuff becomes. So in the end I give up because I feel like God is taking too long to answer my prayers, or sometimes I get this feeling like I might be praying for the wrong thing. 

The above scripture tells us to continue praying, even when we are not seeing any changes. Why? Because as we pray, we spend more time in God's presence where our faith is increased as we hear from Him. And we all know that the most effective prayer is backed up by the word of God, right? This means that before you present your requests to Him, you must have scriptures that back you up. This means that the more we seek scriptures, the more we get to hear God speaking to us through His word. Consequentially, this inceases our faith and multiplies our hope. As His word says, faith comes by hearing, and by hearing not just any word, but by hearing the word of God (Romans 10 :17).

In a nutshell, the more we pray, the more we continue making our requests to him through prayer, the more He gets an avenue to speak to us.

As I was thinking about this, I landed on a very profound video clip by one Farris Long. This clip is an illustration of what praying continuously even when there is no answer in sight means. I am certain this short clip will instantly help recharge your resolve to pray consistently, continually and inceasantly (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Now, watch the video below and hopefully, it will help encourage you and the next person you'll share it with. Don't keep a good thing to yourself. Share it and let others also be blessed and uplifted as you have been.

God bless you.

PS:  I will leave you with this one instructioin: Keep PUSHing. In other words, Pray Until Something Happens.


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