First Step
Whatever you want to do, whatever you want to achieve in your life, it will never happen unless you take that FIRST STEP.
Whatever you want to do, whatever you want to achieve in your life, it will never happen unless you take that FIRST STEP.
Happy New Month y'all!
The first part of the year is gone and we are onto the second half. If you have nothing else to be grateful for, at least you should be grateful for seeing the second half of the year!
If you know me, then you know I love a good story. I don’t mean “umbeya” kind of stories but stories that have the potential to build me and others around me. So today I want to share one such story with you.
Everything you see in the world today is in existence because somebody somewhere gave themselves the permission to dream. In fact, they not only gave themselves permission to dream, but they also went ahead and realized their dream.
For instance, today we have crappers (toilets) because one guy called Thomas Crapper thought of making life easy for his boss. Not sure what had happened but whatever it was, am glad we have toilets in our homes.
I've heard it said severally that, "necessity is the mother of invention", but this never really did sink in until it had to sink in.
You must have heard the saying, "do today what no one else wants to do so that you can have tomorrow what no one else will have". That right there is one pillar of success. Unfortunately most people don't get it and they think that success is something you achieve in a day. How wrong!
This quote by Jim Rohn (the late) says alot in fourteen words; "You are the average of the FIVE people you spend the most time with"
There’s a place I was to be at on Friday and Saturday and since in my mind I knew I’d be there for those two days, I chose to not have my car cleaned at home so that I can have the cleaning done there.
You first conceive it in your mind before you act on it in the physical. Every action ever performed on earth first happened in the mind as a thought before it became a reality for the person who conceived it.
When I was growing up, I used to see my aunties and older cousins rushing to buy the Sunday newspaper just so they could see what their "stars" had to say about their life for the coming week. They would get so excited if there was something positive and very uneasy if there was something negative.
Forget about what scientists, biologists, cosmotologists and all other "ists" have to say about the atmosphere and why it gets cooler as you go further and further up from the ground. They say something about the sun's rays heating the earth and then the heat from the earth starts heating the atmosphere, and that the higher you go from the ground that heat reduces and hence the cold.
Many people go through life not living their purpose. Many actually wonder what their purpose is. Someone asked me how one can identify their purpose and in answering that question, I decided to do a short clip.
If you had a similar question, hope this clip fills in the gaps for you.
I didn’t know what it means to experience REAL cold until I went to a region that is cold. Wah! Just thinking about it makes me feel colder than I already feel. It is so cold that as I type out this article, my laptop feels like it’s been in the freezer for a week. Even the annoying heat it produces has gone missing. For once I long for that heat of the laptop on my laps, but clearly, even the laptop needs warmth too.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the challenges you are going through in your life?
Are you feeling unhappy with your life and with the things that are going on (or not) in your life?
Everybody in life is going through some challenge or another. That's a given. But not everybody has the capacity to handle whatever challenge comes their way well. Some become irritable and irrational, treating everyone around them like they are the cause of their challenges, while others hide it so well, you'd think their lives are challenge free.
“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions”, says Stephen Covey.
Guess what? So are you!
It hadn't occured to me until I thought about it, that success doesn't just happen. It has to be based on something. Forget all the stuff you've heard about hard work, focus, determination, discipline and all the other ingredients or catalysts for success. All those things are nothing, if you don't have a PURPOSE.
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