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July 2016

It's July but Happy New Year all the same!

Happy New Year!

Yes, I know what you are thinking; that I probably had too much to drink this weekend and had all the dates in my mind messed up. No ladies and gentlemen. It’s true I did drink a lot this weekend, just like any other day anyway, but the strongest drink I indulge in is coffee, and my favorite is a lot of water. And yes I do know today is 3rd July 2016.

Holiday Homework

This last week I know some students were very overjoyed because they were going to have an extended weekend (at least for those who haven’t closed school yet). They are probably going to go back to school on Monday after closing school for a week. Now if their school is like mine was, then they must have gone home with “holiday homework” from their teachers to keep them busy during the short break. Woe unto those who will not have done their homework (that is if their teachers are as strict as mine were).

The DART Experience

I had a very interesting experience on Friday, an experience I now refer to as the DART experience. For those who don’t know what I’m referring to, I am talking about the Dar Rapid Transport (DART) system that has completely revolutionized the transport system in Dar Es Salaam; at least for the areas where the system is now available. I chose Friday to use the system because I didn’t have the convenience of my own car and so I decided to have a real life experience of how the system works.

You are who you hang around

The other day I was driving and saw some chicken walking around the backstreet I was driving on. I purposely increased my speed as I approached them to see what they would do. One that looked like the mother hen saw the car coming from her side eye and quickly quacked as though to warn off the smaller chicks, then she flapped her wings and attempted to fly but of course just ended up “flalking” away from the road. In case you are wondering, I just made the word up to mean a walk that looks like flying.

Your flaws are an opportunity waiting to happen

We all know that women are very good at multi-tasking, something men are not very gifted in unless it involves the remote control and food – no offense men. A woman could be in the sitting room breastfeeding the baby, at the same time sewing a button on her child’s shirt, while watching her favorite soap on Television, and talking to you on phone but is still capable of hearing the conversation going on in the kitchen between her teenage kids and the househelp. That’s the strength of a woman. I don’t know how we do it but we do it.