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December 2013

Tribute to Nelson Mandela

6th December, 2013, the day the world woke up to the news of the passing of Nelson Mandela, one of the world's most courageous leaders. South Africa, in fact the whole world will for the next few days be saying goodbye to a great human being and an incredible inspiration. It is strange to be feeling this loss considering the Statesman died at the fulfilling age of 95 years, and even though there was every sign that this time he might not make it, I don’t believe there was anyone who was quite prepared for his death.

Spend governor anyone?

Once again it is that time of the year we all look forward to having a mandatory break from all the happenings of the year. For those coming from the slopes of Kilimanjaro, they are probably working on ensuring their vehicles are in top shape because as is customary to them, they have to go home for what many jokingly call “the annual census”.

Traffic in Dar

I don’t know about you but lately, there are two things that are threatening to drive me insane; the crazy heat that has hit Dar Es Salaam, and the maddening traffic I have been experiencing daily for the last three weeks. For the heat, one might say that it is easy to manage it by use of an air condition or a fan; in an ideal world this would work, but not when the power supply company is left to determine when and where to supply this precious commodity, as has been the case in the last few weeks.

Will they be enough?

I can’t remember the last time all News TV Stations the world over decided to broadcast the same live feed like they did during the late Nelson Mandela’s funeral on the 15th December, 2013. I am glad they did this because then they made it possible for all those who couldn’t attend the funeral physically to do so virtually. It was a day filled with mixed feelings.