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  • Sat, 8th Jul 2017
    This quote by Jim Rohn (the late) says alot in fourteen words; "You are the average of the FIVE people you spend the most time with" To best illustrate it, let me share a story I'm sure you must have heard or read about at some point in your life. Here goes.... There’s an old, well known story of a chicken farmer who found an eagle’s egg. He put it with his chickens and soon the egg hatched. The... [Read More]
  • Sun, 28th May 2017
      Sometimes an idea comes triggered by the most unlikely of events. This is the case with today’s article. This is not what I had planned to write for this week, but then something happened that made me change my mind. I will continue with what I had planned to right next week but for today, let me share my epiphany moment with you. It all started when this friend of mine sent me a whatsapp... [Read More]
  • Sun, 13th Mar 2016
    It’s been 7 months since he breathed his last but to me it seems just like yesterday. I miss him a lot and especially this last week, I really wished he was still alive. I know most people wouldn’t understand my relationship with my dog but it was pretty special. Pancho wherever you are, just know I really miss you. So it was for this reason (missing him) that I decided to go to the net to browse... [Read More]
  • Sat, 12th Mar 2016
    Fake friends are so easy to find and equally easy to loose. But real friends, those are the hardest to find and the hardest to lose. They are like precious jewellery.  .... Fake is the new trend and some of my friends seem to be in style. 
  • Sat, 12th Mar 2016
    "Don't fear the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you".
  • Sun, 28th Feb 2016
    As we come to the end of February, I was just looking back at the month that was and I realized that even though it is a 29 day month, this month has literally flown. Lots of the stuff that I expected to accomplish in this month did not happen not because I didn’t initiate the process, but because there were third party inputs that needed to be made for me to accomplish them but unfortunately the... [Read More]